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Sales Order

Sales Order Reports

Custom sales order reports may be generated against any given Sales Order. For example, a sales order report could be used to generate an invoice to send to a customer.

Sales Order Filters

The report template can be filtered against available Sales Order instances.

Context Variables

In addition to the default report context variables, the following variables are made available to the sales order report template for rendering:

Variable Description
order The specific Sales Order object
reference The order reference field (can also be accessed as {{ order.description }})
description The order description field
customer The customer associated with the particular sales order
lines A list of available line items for this order
extra_lines A list of available extra line items for this order
order.currency The currency code associated with this order, e.g. 'CAD'

Default Report Template

A default Sales Order Report template is provided out of the box, which is useful for generating simple test reports. Furthermore, it may be used as a starting point for developing custom BOM reports:

View the source code for the default sales order report template.