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Single Sign on

Single Sign On

InvenTree provides the possibility to use 3rd party services to authenticate users. This functionality makes use of django-allauth and supports a wide array of OpenID and OAuth providers.

Provider Documentation

There are a lot of technical considerations when configuring a particular SSO provider. A good starting point is the django-allauth documentation

Advanced Users

The SSO functionality provided by django-allauth is powerful, but can prove challenging to configure. Please ensure that you understand the implications of enabling SSO for your InvenTree instance. Specific technical details of each available SSO provider are beyond the scope of this documentation - please refer to the django-allauth documentation for more information.

SSO Configuration

The basic requirements for configuring SSO are outlined below:

  1. Enable backend for each required SSO provider(s) in the config file or environment variables.
  2. Create an external app with your provider of choice
  3. Add the required client configurations in the SocialApp app in the admin interface.
  4. Configure the callback URL for the external app.
  5. Enable SSO for the users in the global settings.
  6. Configure e-mail.

Enable Provider Backends

The first step is to ensure that the required provider modules are installed, via your installation configuration file.

There are two variables in the configuration file which define the operation of SSO:

Environment Variable Configuration File Description More Info
INVENTREE_SOCIAL_BACKENDS social_backends A list of provider backends enabled for the InvenTree instance django-allauth docs
INVENTREE_SOCIAL_PROVIDERS social_providers A dict of settings specific to the installed providers provider documentation

In the example below, SSO provider modules are activated for google, github and microsoft. Specific configuration options are specified for the microsoft provider module:

SSO Config SSO Config

Provider Module Format

Note that the provider modules specified in social_backends must be prefixed with allauth.socialaccounts.providers

Provider Documentation

We do not provide any specific documentation for each provider module. Please refer to the django-allauth documentation for more information.

Restart Server

As the configuration file is only read when the server is launched, ensure you restart the server after editing the file.

Create Provider App

The next step is to create an external authentication app with your provider of choice. The documentation for correctly creating and configuring the provider app is not covered here.

External Application

The provider application will be created as part of your SSO provider setup. This is not the same as the SocialApp entry in the InvenTree admin interface.

Read the Documentation

The django-allauth documentation is a good starting point here. There are also a number of good tutorials online (at least for the major supported SSO providers).

In general, the external app will generate a key and secret pair - although different terminology may be used, depending on the provider.

Add Client Configurations

Once your external SSO app has been created, you need to create a new SocialAccount client configuration (via the InvenTree admin interface).

Create Social Application

In the admin interface, select Add Social Application

Add Social Application Add Social Application

Configure Social Application

Configure the social application entry with the app details:

Configure Social Application Configure Social Application
  • Select the provider type as required
  • Provide a name for the application (note that this should match the name used for any custom settings provided in the configuration file)
  • Add client and secret data for your external SSO app
  • Add the site which you want to provide access for this SSO app
  • Save the new application entry when configuration is finished

Site Selection

You must assign the new application to at least one available site domain

Fix Your Mistakes

You can always return to edit or adjust the social application details later

Multiple Applications

To provide support for multiple SSO applications, simply repeat this process and create another social application entry

Configure Callback URL

The external SSO application must be provided with a callback URL - a URL by which it can communicate with the InvenTree server. The specific name that the external SSO application uses for this callback URL may vary, with some authentication applications referring to it with other names such as reply or redirect.

In any case, the URL is is specific to your installation and the SSO provider. The general pattern for this URL is: <hostname>/accounts/<provider>/login/callback/.

Works for Local Installs

Your server does not need to be "public facing" for this to work. For example the URL http://localhost:1234/accounts/github/login/callback/ would be perfectly valid!

Proxy Support

If your InvenTree server is running behind a proxy, you will need to ensure that the "public facing" host address matches the internal host address of the server, and that this host address also matches the configured callback URL


If your InvenTree server is running with HTTPS, the callback URL must also be HTTPS. Ensure that you have correctly configured LOGIN_DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL to match your server configuration..

Enable SSO Settings

Now that the social application is created, you need to enable SSO authentication for the InvenTree server.

In the settings screen, navigate to the Login Settings panel. Here you will see the required configuration options to enable SSO:

SSO Settings SSO Settings
Setting Description
Enable SSO Enable this option to allow single sign on for user login
Enable SSO registration Allow users to self-register with SSO
Auto-fill SSO users Automatically fill out user account data with information provided by external SSO app
Allowed domains Optionally restrict signup to certain domains

Configure Email

Note that email settings must be correctly configured before SSO will be activated. Ensure that your email setup is correctly configured and operational.

Security Considerations

You should use SSL for your website if you want to use this feature. Also set your callback-endpoints to https:// addresses to reduce the risk of leaking user's tokens.

Tokens for authenticating the users to the providers they registered with are saved in the database. So ensure your database is protected and not open to the internet.

Make sure all users with admin privileges have sufficient passwords - they can read out your client configurations with providers and all auth-tokens from users.

It's a secret!

Never share the secret key associated with your InvenTree install!

Error Handling

If you encounter an error during the SSO process, the error should be logged in the InvenTree database. You can view the error log in the admin interface to see the details of the error.